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Anarchist Resources

There’s a lot of anarchists out there. Here’s where you can find some of themblogs, zine collections, news sites, independent anonymous email hosting, and more.

Anarcha Library: online collection of over 600 Anarcha-Feminist Zines. Since the library has not been actively maintained for the last 10 years, many of its links are dead, but most of the zines and pdfs can still be found in the wayback machine. The library still serves as a useful directory.
Scenes from the Atlanta Forest: Eco-Anarchism and Ecodefense resources and information
Squatnet: Autonomous infrustructure projects, squatting networks, housing rights, and land struggles
Autistici/Invitati: Italian anarchist collective that provides free platforms and tools for digital self-defense and security, including hosting noblogs (and thereby, this blog! <3)
Countersurveillance Resource Center: searchable database of resources for practical understanding of targeted surveillance
Act for Freedom: anarchist news, translations, and communiques from around the globe
Filler Distro: radical countermedia platform, Pittsburgh-based zine distro, and also producer of the semi-regular zine Filler Distro
Abolition Media: online news source for revolutionary movements, with information about militant actions, analysis, and features about local struggles from around the world
The Anarchist Archive: exactly what it says on the tin. A collection of texts (books, articles, zines, and hopefully soon transcriptions of podcasts and videos) that anarchists may find useful for developing their theory or hearing what other anarchists are saying about events around the world
Haters Cafe: Black insurrectionist anarchist project. Anti-politics, Black liberation theory
How to submit an anonymous communiqué and get away with it: by Scenes from the Atlanta Forest
Rechelon Zine Library: This is a compilation of anarchist zines and booklets, imposed for easy printing, as well as a few posters. It’s curated in a balance between some design standards and general relevance or importance.